Let Us Python by Yashavant Kanetkar 3rd edition

Description :- 

Book name :- Let Us Python

Author :- Yashavant Kanetkar & Aditya Kanetkar

Edition :- 3rd edition

Publisher :- bpb publication

Pages :- 429


  • Strengthens the foundations, as detailed explanation of programming language concepts are given.           
  • KeyNotes are given explaining key points with the help of programs.
  • Simplicity: be it the code or text.
  • Lists down all important points that you need to know related to various topics in an organized manner.
  • Prepares you for coding related interviews and theoretical questions.
  • Exercises are exceptionally useful to complete the reader’s understanding of a topic.
  • Follow a systematic approach that will help you to prepare for an interview in a short duration of time.


Most Programmer’s learning Python are usually comfortable with some or the other programming language and are not interested in going through the typical learning curve of learning the first programming language. Instead, they are looking for something that can get them off the ground quickly. They are looking for similarities and differences in a feature that they have used in other language(s) plus what extra does the new language offer. This book should help them immensely. It guides you from the fundamentals of using module through the advanced object orientation, concurrence and synchronization.


  • Data types, Control flow instructions, Console & File Input/Output
  • Strings, List & Tuples, Comprehension
  • Sets, Dictionaries, Functions & Recursion
  • Map, Filter, Reduce, Namespaces, Modules & Packages, Classes and Objects
  • Containership & Inheritance, Iterators & Generators
  • Decorators, Concurrency & Parallelism, Synchronization

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction to Python
  2. Getting Started
  3. Python Basics
  4. Strings and Regular Expressions
  5. Decision Control Instruction
  6. Repetition Control Instruction
  7. Console Input/Output
  8. Lists
  9. Tuples
  10. Sets
  11. Dictionaries
  12. Comprehensions
  13. Functions
  14. Recursion
  15. Functional Programming
  16. Modules and Packages
  17. Namespaces
  18. Classes and Objects
  19. Intricacies of Classes and Objects
  20. Containership and Inheritance
  21. Iterators and Generators
  22. Exception Handling
  23. File Input/Output
  24. Miscellany
  25. Concurrency and Parallelism
  26. Synchronization
  27. Numpy Library
  28. Matplotlib

Appendix A - Precedence Table

Appendix B - Debugging in Python

Appendix C - Chasing the Bugs

Periodic Tests

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