The Complete Reference C++ by Herbert Schildt

Description :-

Book name :- The Complete Reference C++ Author :- Herbert Schildt Edition :- 4th edition
Publisher :- McGraw-Hill Pages :- 1053

Best-selling genius Herb Schildt covers everything from keywords, syntax, and libraries, to advanced features such as overloading, inheritance, virtual functions, namespaces, templates, and RTTI—plus, a complete description of the Standard Template Library (STL).

Table of Contents

Part I: The Foundation of C++: The C Subset
Part II: C++
Part III: The Standard Function Library
Part IV: The Standard C++ Class Library
Part V : Applying C++

1: An Overview of C

2: Expressions

3: Statements

4: Arrays and Null-Terminated Strings

5: Pointers

6: Functions

7: Structures, Unions, Enumerations, and User-Defined Types

8: C-Style Console I/O

9: File I/O

10: The Preprocessor and Comments

11: An Overview of C++

12: Classes and Objects

13: Arrays, Pointers, References, and the Dynamic Allocation Operators

14: Function Overloading, Copy Constructors, and Default Arguments

15: Operator Overloading

16: Inheritance

17: Virtual Functions and Polymorphism

18: Templates

19: Exception Handling

20: The C++ I/O System Basics

21: C++ File I/O

22: Run-Time Type ID and the Casting Operators

23: Namespaces, Conversion Functions, and Other Advanced Topics

24: Introducing the Standard Template Library

25: The C-Based I/O Functions

26: The String and Character Functions

27: The Mathematical Functions

28: Time, Date, and Localization Functions

29: The Dynamic Allocation Functions

30: Utility Functions

31: The Wide-Character Functions

32: The Standard C++ I/O Classes

33: The STL Container Classes

34: The STL Algorithms

35: STL Iterators, Allocators, and Function Objects

36: The String Class

37: The Numeric Classes

38: Exception Handling and Miscellaneous Classes

39: Integrating New Classes: A Custom String Class

40: An Object-Oriented Expression Parser

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